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Tara R.


Congrats! You made it! You survived the loooong goodbye, and sent your kids merrily (or possibly mope-ily) off to camp. Emotional? Sure. But, really, don't look back...

4 reasons why the send-off is your savior:

1. You need to stop eating. It is indeed summer, but we've been eating like we're gearing up for a nuclear winter. The days before camp can eeeeek on. Whether anxiety is high, or structure is low, one can always forge ahead through a steady binge of last brunches, lunches and suppers. Round the clock, it'll be a "yes" to the "last Laduree, last crispy sushi, last s'mores frappuccino" -- all before the last trip to buy 12 bags of gummy crap that will weigh down your child's backpack like a two-ton truck. The next meal leads to the next ice cream which leads to the next lemonade stand which leads to the next movie popcorn -- which leads to you wishing it was still coat season.

2. You need to stop texting. Your child is leaving the nest, to build competency and independence, which will likely render you suddenly incompetent and dependent. There are just so many unknowns. Is so-and-so not coming back to camp? What's a caboodle? Did you pack a Shuffle or a Mighty? What color caboodle did you get? Can they bring their phones on the bus?What's the best lice shampoo? Is there a hairbrush that will fit in a damn caboodle? They say there's no such thing as a stupid question. But they may be wrong.

3. Your kids need to remember the written word. Like any good mom, I limit screen time. Ha, ha. In the weeks before I bid adieu, my daughter was texting boredom beauties like "Sup, mom?" and face-timing me from the other room to ask what color grapes she should have for a snack. And I'm not even the slightest bit fazed. Knowing she will be sans electronics for 7 weeks somehow translates into carte blanche electronic use. I can't say goodbye to tick-tock, and hello to team-sing, fast enough. See ya snapchat, nice to see you again this-thing-called-a-pencil.

4. You need to stop packing. Down to the wire, you will be stuffing things in pouches and pockets that your children will never find or need. This is a compulsion, a sickness of sorts, from which you will soon find relief. Take a deep breath, remove the emergency supply of ponytail holders from of her knapsack, and remember, the greatest gift you are giving your offspring is the gift of sending them far, far from home. Give yourself a pat on the back and at least enough time to have a glass of rose before you start packing for Greece. And visiting day.

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