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Tara R

A MOTHER’S DAY NOTE to the moms who do it all, and then some…

It seems fitting to me that Mother’s Day is smack dab in the middle of May.   


May, a frenetic month that I like to refer to as May madness, or “May-hem” is short four weeks where everything that’s happened in the past 10 months must be neatly wrapped up in a little bow.  Who else, but mom, is up for the task, while she simultaneously curates the perfect mélange of summer fun to be had by all?  


During May, many mothers are just a wee bit stressed trying to make it all happen.  For example, only a mother would have the foresight to plan their kids’ schedules around their other kids’ schedules, in the hopes of hitting that sweet spot of peace/rest in a home so that end of year exams and papers, recitals and shows, commencements and graduations all go off without a hitch, or a wardrobe crisis??   


It’s a herculean effort, especially with the shipping center that’s sprung up in your dining room, the impossible-to-pin-down little people whose tastes and body dimensions are ever shifting, and the planning of everyone’s schedule, including your own, for the relaxing-yet-anything-but-routine months.  


And thus, there is not a mother among us, who will not, at one point, on this very sacred Hallmark Holiday, have a “FUCK!!!  I FORGOT TO… (fill in the blank) moment mid-mimosa.   Keep drinking; you know you’ve earned it. 


Trust me, the never ending to do list that’s on pieces of paper around your house isn’t going anywhere.  And if they get lost in the chaos, you can always text yourself reminders when you’re up at 3:32 am.   I’ll text you right back! 




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